You touch on something here that intrigues me, which needs a brief setup: If you asked 100 ufologists and/or experiencers what they think (or "know") UAPs are, what they're doing, etc., you might very well get 100 different and even conflicting answers. The single oddest thing about the phenomenon is the clear ability to manipulate human perception. Given that: If full UFO Disclosure results in the entire world (except Mick West, Jason Colavito and Robert Scheaffer) knowing that there is a UAP (alien) reality, will there be a solid, shared understanding of the essentials, or would billions of people be literally all over the map, with people splintering into "They're here to help us," and "They're evil, we're all just alien food," factions? (Of course, that's the simple scenario, which presumes that "they" are just one entity/species, etc. My own hypothesis is that we are facing the mechanations of more than just one intelligence. Which makes it even more complicated. )